Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chemicals, chemicals, chemicals

OK, let me start with this:

Now go grab your favorite "beauty product" and read the ingredients.
It's basically CANCER IN A BOTTLE.

But here's the thing, all these products are new (1920's), how did humans survive before that?!

Sure, in the Middle Ages they rarely bathed in Europe because the water wasn't clean.. but before that, or in different parts of the world, people only used natural things for health and beauty.
That doesn't mean that The Body Shop has it, in fact their products contain the same crap, just marketed better.

Instead, the answer lies in your garden or kitchen. Or simply in your bathroom.

I stopped using shampoo/conditioner/cream on June 6th. I only wash my hair with water, and guess what? it's thicker, stronger and happier! I use natural oil (coconut or cactus) if I swim in the sea because seawater dries it up, but other than that, JUST WATER :D

My hair after 3 months of no chemicals :)

As for people with oily hair, it will be hard to suddenly stop using shampoo, you will have to use sodium bicarbonate to remove the layer of silica most of your products have been coating your scalp with. You can find that in a pharmacy or supermarket. Just take a spoon of powder, put some water on it, it will foam and you can use that instead of shampoo for 1-2 weeks :)

Regarding other products: lotion, lip balm, etc. -> coconut oil, almond oil, shea butter.. the list goes on! Even olive oil, it's an amazing make-up remover too :D

Make-up is a tricky one, there are brands that stick to all natural minerals and pigments but they're hard to find.. You have to do your local research and look online for what suits you best.. but honestly you don't need make-up, you're beautiful the way you are!

And lastly, I would like to add two things:

Deodorant: spare yourself the alcohol, salt, and weird names you can't pronounce, just use a strong smelling oil to prevent you from stinking: lavender, tea tree, jasmine, ylang ylang... so many beautiful pure smelling oils out there! Also costs nothing.

Toothpaste: Choose one WITHOUT fluoride, that actually calcifies your brain and leads to all sorts of diseases, we get enough fluoride from our drinking water! FInd a natural herbal toothpaste, or just make some at home! All you need is crushed herb (basil, mint, miswak), sodium bicarbonate and water!
Check this out for more details :)

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