Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hi everyone!
This is exciting :)

A new blog for health and wellbeing, in order to stop spamming my friends on Facebook.

So if you want advice on what to eat, how to look your best and how to deal with a bunch of situations... this is the right place for you :)

I never thought I'd ever make this kind of blog... there are SO many of this kind out there, I'm not sure why I, out of all people, should be making one. Let's see how it goes!

This is me.

All flowery and stuff.

I have a darker side, it will appear :P

Oh, I should explain why this blog is titled "Like A Proton".  As indicated by the quote in the background, protons are positively charged elements in an atom. Just a tiny bit of science there cause one day I'll be an engineer ;)