Saturday, October 26, 2013

Vegan Seafood :)

This is what I consider SEAFOOD!

Seaweed is so good for you, it's all the goodness from the sea minus the fats and other toxins found in fish. It can be grown easily, without any harm to the environment (in fact it absorbs carbon dioxide!) and is known for cancer prevention and treatment.

Seaweed is good for:

Detox - it binds to toxins in your body and allows their elimination, these include lead and mercury.

Blood alkalisation - its alkalinity is one of the reasons why it prevents cancer

Your brain - it contains a sugar called fucose which improves the brain's ability to create long-term memories

Your immunity - fucose also kills bacteria and strengthens the immune system

Your thyroid - due to its high content in iodine

Your digestion - alginate strengthens gut mucus and slows down digestion, so you del fuller for longer and the food energy is released more slowly. It's low in calories and has a low glycemic index.

It is not only abundant in fibre but also contains vitamin A, B12, and C (more than oranges).

It is full of minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium

It is also high in protein (up 70% protein in Spirulina)

Plus, it's anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.


I just ordered some dried seaweed Amazon. You basically just place a handful, not more, in a bowl of water and watch it expand as it soaks it up. Then sprinkle some rice vinegar, sesame oil and sesame seeds… yum!

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